Root chakra is the foundational chakra of spiritual practice... Everything below that belongs to the animal kingdom. You will find it in red in the attached image.
The root chakra is located under the perineum. Or as my friend beshbesh likes to call it... The ABC... THE ASS -BALLS CONNECTION. it's actually pretty accurate that's where it's located.. between the anus and the genitals.
I will share how to reach it physically with your body and work on it in the end.
Root chakra relates to your basic needs, survival, sense of security, fear and all the primal stuff... Also extremely important for kundalini which is the most potent and most dangerous form of yoga. But I won't share anything that i know of it here. For your safety and others..Just know it's an important chakra to work on.
There are certain habits you can implement in your life to work on your root. But there is a kriya that gets you right there.
Just pull the muscles in that your holding up a piss and a number 2 at the same time.
Found it?
Now pull harder
And harder see how far up you can go
This is your workout right now... You can keep a constant pressure or pull hard and release.. i like pull and release seems to be more effective.
Feels silly? Its called the root lock. It prevents energy from escaping in this direction. You should do it until it vibrates
This can be combined with a lot of other techniques to do amazing things.... Including the infamous KUNDALINI..
By the way anyone who says they know kundalini and shares it online... They don't know kundalini. Ive seen all these monkeys and liars. I have bits and pieces that I discovered myself. Its good to know what it is though.or what it does. Kundalini