15 Aug
This is the garbage i told you to ignore

I spent a year of my life trying to decode this shit. This is actually what I've been able to decode. You have the prima materia (the essential material that makes up everything... i think it may be consciousness since i believe it is the foundation which energy plays upon to create our universe) that splits into the four elements we know... The hindus have an additional element of ether... (Space). But essentially everything follows the nature of those elements. From there you can combine the elements... To get salt which is the physical body which is also fixed... On the opposite end you have sulphur which is mind which is also volatile... In the middle you have mercury... Spirit.

The goal of alchemy is to turn lead into gold and another goal is to use ancient chemical techniques to craft the philosopher's stone, which grants immortality and wisdom. Turning lead into gold could mean turning the shit that you are into something beautiful i guess. The philosopher's stone is now claimed to be the pineal gland... Which in the eastern side of the world relates to the third eye. Cool shit.

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